Brassey's Dictionary of Battles

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Publisher: Barnes & Noble

Released Date: 1995

ISBN: 9780760707678

Book Overview

The first battle in this alphabetized volume is Aachen, in October, 1944. The last is Zutphen, a battle during the Netherlands War of Independence against Spain in 1586. Between the first "A" and the final "Z" is every encounter worth reporting. Many are augmented with maps that show clearly who was where. Condensing the essentials of a battle such as Agendicum (Rome's Gallic Wars), Moncontour (Third Huguenot War), or Spotsylvania (American Civil War) is no simple task; but the author, a military history expert, has accomplished it perfectly. This is a singular quick reference, crisp and accurate. Recent conflicts, such as the various encounters between Israel and its neighbors and the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s, are given considerable coverage.

Author: John Laffin

Publisher: Barnes & Noble

Released Date: 1995

ISBN: 9780760707678

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