36 Short Stories


Giá khuyến mại 180.000₫

Publisher: Heinemann

Released Date: 2017

ISBN: 9782840565048

Book Overview

The anthology 36 Short Stories brings together a selec­tion of works and texts, pub­lished, exhib­ited, or col­lected during Bétonsalon – Center for Art and Research’s pro­gram. Presented in the form of a col­lec­tion of short sto­ries, it brings into dialog thirty-six voices and expe­ri­ences—per­sonal and col­lec­tive, fac­tual and fic­tional, and some times for­gotten. Encompassing authors from a wide range of dis­ci­plines, con­tri­bu­tions explore the mar­gins of tra­di­tional his­to­ri­og­raphy and the dis­tri­bu­tion of knowl­edge, employing fic­tion as a means to resist uni­for­mity. In a word, each seeks to decon­struct estab­lished norms and to offer new read­ings of the his­to­ries we con­struct. Foreword Bernard Blistène Introduction Mélanie Bouteloup The Information Man Edward Ruscha Shared Letters Katinka Bock memos, briefs and reports (on for­mats) Franck Leibovici Navigating the Immense Sea François Aubart Grosse Fatigue Camille Henrot and Jacob Bromberg A Man In the Moon Johnny Kit Elswa Reversing the Burden of Proof as Postcolonial Lever Lotte Arndt The Most Powerful World of Our Age Peter Weiss My Time With Michèle Annie Tresgot The Ethical Deed in the Soviet Films of the 1960s and 1970s Keti Chukhrov Edouard de Laurot and (the) Cinéma Engagé. Preliminary Remarks Nicole Brenez Re-con­sti­tu­ On Mueda, Memória e Massacre, by Ruy Guerra Raquel Schefer How Do Images Make Politics? Petra Bauer The Civil Contract of Terms and Conditions Ariella Azoulay Street Art, Collective Action and Dissent in Sana’a Anahi Alviso-Marino To Be In a Time of War Etel Adnan Letters to Max Eric Baudelaire Cidade Leon Ferrari Of Borders and Limits of Visual Technologies Nana Adusei-Poku Opéra 5 Weeks Benjamin Seror Fluidity Claude Parent Free Skating, Galilean Mechanics, and Simple Forms Introduction – Locomotive Gravity Raphaël Zarka (...)

Author: Melanie Bouteloup

Publisher: Heinemann

Released Date: 2017

ISBN: 9782840565048

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