A Single Spark The Biography Of Chun Tae Il
By: Cho Young Rae
Category: Biographies
Giá khuyến mại 90.000₫
Publisher: Dolbegae
Released Date: 2003
ISBN: 897199157703990
The publication of 'A Single Spark' is historically meaningful from at least two perspectives. Firstly, it will locate memory of Chun Tae-il and the vitality of his philosophy more firmly within the annals of the history of the Korean democratisation movements. And secondly, it will effectively 'globalise' both the true significance of Chun Tae-il, and the very real achievements of Korean social democratic movements.
Author: Cho Young Rae
Publisher: Dolbegae
Released Date: 2003
ISBN: 897199157703990
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