Candy Fairies the Chocolate Rose
By: Helen Perelman
Category: Children's Books
Giá khuyến mại 50.000₫
Publisher: Aladdin
Released Date: 2013
ISBN: 9781442452992
The Candy Fairies put on a sweet show for some special visitors to Sugar Valley in this delectable story.
When Princess Lolli’s parents visit the Candy Kingdom, the Candy Fairies know the perfect way to entertain their guests: a talent show! There’s singing! There’s dancing! One Candy Fairy even plays the flute. But as hard as she tries, Cocoa the Chocolate Fairy isn’t the best of performers. She thinks maybe the show would be better if she didn’t participate. But everyone has a special talent—Cocoa just needs to discover what hers is
Author: Helen Perelman
Publisher: Aladdin
Released Date: 2013
ISBN: 9781442452992
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