Water From A Deep Well

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Publisher: IVP

Released Date: 2007

ISBN: 9780830837458

Book Overview

The history of the church has shaped what our faith and practice are like today. It's tempting to think that the way we do things now is best, but history also has much to teach us about what we've forgotten. In Water from a Deep Well, Gerald Sittser opens to us the rich history of spirituality, letting us gaze at the practices and stories of believers from the past who had the same thirst for God that we do today. As we see their deep faith through his vibrant narratives, we may discover that old ways can bring new life to our own spirituality.

Market/Audience People interested in spiritual formation Students Church leaders History enthusiasts

"Instructive and informed, and . . . provides the kind of clarity and simplicity which only grows out of deep knowledge." IAIN TORRANCE, president, Princeton Theological Seminary, and former moderator of the Church of Scotland

"Sittser writes not just as a scholar and a teacher, but also as a Christian who has long walked the narrow path, keeping company with God, and both his wisdom and his winsomeness mark every page." LAUREN F. WINNER, assistant professor, Duke Divinity School, and author of Girl Meets God

Features and Benefits Overviews Christian history through the lens of spirituality Bestselling author Includes excerpts from classic Christian works and authors Offers spiritual formation exercises Provides group discussion questions

Author: Gerald L Sittser 

Publisher: IVP

Released Date: 2007

ISBN: 9780830837458

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