Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things

By: Reader's Degist

Category: Self Help


Giá khuyến mại 323.000₫

Publisher: Reader's Degist

Released Date: 2005

ISBN: 9780762108749

Book Overview

do extraordinary things with ordinary household products!

Polish your rings with toothpaste? Absolutely! In fact you can clean piano keys, even ink stains with the stuff. Surprised? Then get ready. EXTRAORDINARY USES FOR ORDINARY THINGS has thousands of ways to help you get more value out of more than 200 everyday items you probably already have in your home.

Condition your skin with SALT? You can! There are 64 more intriguing uses for everyday table salt be3ginning on page 280. Here's a sampling: Kill weeds in walkway cracks, keep milk fresh and cheese mold-free, shell pecans more easily, repel fleas, and clean your clothes iron.

Feed your plants BAKING SODA? Yes! And we have 82 other clever applications for inexpensive generic baking soda, beginning on page 62. Things like washing wallpaper, eliminating fish odor, removing stains and scratches on your countertop, clearing clogged drains...the list goes on for pages.

Clean your computer with VINEGAR? It's true! That's just one of the 175 surprising things you can do with plain old white vinegar. Turn to page 343 to discover how to use it to remove bumper stickers, revitalize leather, tenderize meat, banish bugs, sharpen pant creases, keep cut flowers fresh, and more.

Author : Reader's Degist

Publisher: Reader's Degist

Released Date: 2005

ISBN: 9780762108749

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