Everyday Life In The Ancient World

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Publisher: Hermes House

Released Date: 2014

ISBN: 9781844770212

Book Overview

This lively thematic history investigates many aspects of the world's civilizations and cultures and presents them in a child-friendly format. Follow the development of art, leisure, beliefs and festivals, home life, work and trade through history and around the globe, from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, to China and India and the Americas. Discover fascinating facts about the different beliefs, trade, culture, entertainment, food and farming practices in the world's great civilizations, the lifestyles and skills of ancient societies, and how they developed through time. Then the fun hands-on activities help bring the past to life. Step-by-step projects describe how to make necklaces, clothes, food and models inspired by the past: play an Indian board game, cook Celtic oatcakes and wear a Japanese theatrical mask. Learn about food, materials, and early inventions such as the wheel - and discover what a Mesopotamian schoolboy packed in his lunchbox! More than 1500 photographs and illustrations help show what life for these peoples was really like. 

Author: John Haywood 

Publisher: Hermes House

Released Date: 2014

ISBN: 9781844770212

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