Focus On Fitness
By: Nicholas J Karolides & Melissa Karolides
Category: Sport
Giá khuyến mại 90.000₫
Publisher: ABC - Clio
Released Date: 1993
ISBN: 0874366623
Grade 7-12-A single source for a broad overview of the different elements of fitness, clearly designed for teenagers, would be most welcome. This book nearly meets that need. Nine chapters each address a different component of the picture, providing definitions; brief descriptions; bibliographies of related fiction, nonfiction, and nonprint materials; and descriptions with full addresses of service organizations. Diagrams and tables break up the text and help readers assess their own programs. The information provided is sometimes very detailed, yet sometimes so limited as to mention little more than the jargon related to an activity, forcing readers to seek out other sources for explanation. The index is lengthy, but does not include references to specific exercises. Research about fitness is constantly being revised, making former ideas dated and sometimes potentially harmful. Although the text itself generally provides current nutritional data and the revised, safer ways to execute most of the exercises mentioned, the bibliographies include several nonfiction titles written before reform made their contents dated. A few of the titles have been among those specifically criticized by fitness experts recently. Flaws aside, this book does contain appropriate up-to-date advice.
Author: Nicholas J Karolides & Melissa Karolides
Publisher: ABC - Clio
Released Date: 1993
ISBN: 0874366623
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