The Girlfriends Guide To Toddlers
By: Vicki Iovine
Category: Baby
Giá khuyến mại 90.000₫
Publisher: Aperigee Book
Released Date: 1999
ISBN: 039952438X
With a combined total of over 300,000 Girlfriends' Guides in print, Vicki Iovine offers the kind of tongue-in-cheek humor and straight-from-the-hip advice that has made her one of today's most popular authorities on child rearing. Now she takes the next step in the Girlfriends series by helping mothers deal with that mysterious, baffling, often adorable and frequently alarming being their baby has become--a toddler.
Author: Vicki Iovine
Publisher: Aperigee Book
Released Date: 1999
ISBN: 039952438X
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