How One Of You Can Bring the Two of You Together

By: Susan Page

Category: Self Help


Giá khuyến mại 100.000₫

Publisher: Broadway Books

Released Date: 1997

ISBN: 0553067303

Book Overview

This breakthrough book, How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together, suggests a completely different approach for improving a marriage.  Susan Page dispels the myth that repairing a relationship is necessarily a two-person task and shows that making changes in your marriage by yourself is an effective and a low-stress strategy.  Based on the premise that what you do in a relationship changes how you feel about it, Page shows you how you can take individual action that will result in mutual strength and happiness.

Step by step, Page demonstrates that the secret to a thriving marriage is finding the balance between taking care of yourself and extending good will to your partner.  Through a series of experiments, she introduces the concept of Loving Leadership and presents a range of solo strategies for creating harmony in a marriage, including how to:

* Develop fresh perspectives about your relationship
* Overcome resentment and move beyond blame
* Solve major problems--one at a time
* Ensure that your needs are met regardless of your partner's actions
* Recapture lost intimacy

With tangible goals, you can work through your own frustrations to arrive at new thinking and new actions.  In this wise and inspiring book, you will learn, as Susan Page writes, that: "Deciding to work alone on your relationship gives you enormous power, not power over your partner, but inner power and personal
strength.  Working alone on your relationship gives you an unparalleled opportunity to grow."

For anyone in a relationship that needs major repairs--or just a little TLC--here is the ultimate do-it-yourself handbook.

Author: Susan Page

Publisher: Broadway Books

Released Date: 1997

ISBN: 0553067303

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