In the Land Of Aphrodite
By: Libby Rowan
Category: Travelogues
Giá khuyến mại 60.000₫
Publisher: Power
Released Date: 2007
ISBN: 9789963673179
A village in the foothills of Cyprus` Troodos Mountains gives Libby Rowan-Moorhouse her view of a small world of warmth, friendship and all the amusing frustrations experienced by foreigners setting into an ancient culture. Libby and her partner, Tim love Cyprus and its people but it is not a blind love. The people they live with, work with, have fun with and go to church with are described with affectionate candour. Amusing visitors sometimes, help, sometimes hinder. Home, in the land of Aphrodite, has all the attractions of flora, climate and mankind to make you want to stay. While the author infiltrates her narrative with the now topical Cyprus Problem, she successfully mixes sensitive travel writing with a very personal view of Cyprus, its history, culture and people, overlaid with a hint of tantalizing autobiography.
Author: Libby Rowan
Publisher: Power
Released Date: 2007
ISBN: 9789963673179
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