By: Dante Alighieri
Category: Poetry
Giá khuyến mại 120.000₫
Publisher: Bantam
Released Date: 2004
ISBN: 9780553213393
In this superb translation of the Inferno, Allen Mendelbaum brings to life for contemporary readers the first and most famous part of Dante's Divine Comedy: the poet's classic journey through the underworld. Here is Dante at his ribald, shocking, and demonic best as he describes in unforgettably vivid detail his harrowing descent to the very bottom of Hell. Filled with politics and philosophy, humor and horror, the Inferno is an epic poem at once personal and universal that provides a darkly illuminating view into our present world no less than Dante's own. For as we're lead to the last circle of the Inferno we recognize the very worst in human nature...and the ever-abiding potential for redemption. Complete with an introduction and commentary, this definitive dual-language edition is unsurpassed for its clarity, beauty, and faithfulness to the original.
Author: Dante Alighieri
Publisher: Bantam
Released Date: 2004
ISBN: 9780553213393
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