Italian Phrase Finder
By: Harper Collins
Category: Languages
Giá khuyến mại 50.000₫
Publisher: Harper Collins
Released Date: 1993
ISBN: 9780004702827
Collins Gem Phrase Finders are designed for ease of use with over 70 topics listed alphabetically. The short simple phrases can be tailored to suit your own situation.
You won't find "Would you care for a turn on the deck?", just useful up-to-date stuff such as "What is your e-mail address?"
Phrases for both holiday and business that reflect today's lifestyle from mobile phones to vegetarians
The 2-colour design ensures that key words, essential information and the foreign phrases are immediately accessible
A simple pronunciation guide allows English-speakers to reproduce the right sounds without being daunted by foreign spelling
A mini dictionary provides a practical selection of vocabulary
Author: Harper Collins
Publisher: Harper Collins
Released Date: 1993
ISBN: 9780004702827
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