Leadership In A Week

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Publisher: Teach Yourself

Released Date: 2016

ISBN: 9781473609570

Book Overview

Leadership In A Week is a simple and straightforward guide to leadership success, giving you everything you need to know in just seven short chapters. From inspiring others and gaining their support, to setting priorities, giving direction and making decisions, you'll explore your inner resources and discover your untapped leadership qualities.

This book introduces you to the main themes and ideas of leading, giving you a basic knowledge and understanding of the key concepts, together with practical and thought-provoking exercises. Whether you choose to read it in a week or in a single sitting, Leadership In A Week is your fastest route to

- Self-awareness
- Understanding people
- Communication
- Authority and power
- Making decisions
- Connecting and linking
- Vision and inspiration

In A Week books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From negotiating and content marketing to finance and social media, the In A Week series covers the business topics that really matter and that will help you make a difference today. Written in straightforward English, each book is structured as a seven-day course so that with just a little work each day, you will quickly master the subject. In a fast-changing world, this series enables readers not just to get up to speed, but to get ahead.

Author: Carol O'connor

Publisher: Teach Yourself

Released Date: 2016

ISBN: 9781473609570

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