Little Why
By: Jonny Lambert
Category: Children's Books
Giá khuyến mại 220.000₫
Publisher: Little Tiger Press
Released Date: 2016
ISBN: 9781848691834
Little Why just can't stay in line. There is so much to see - like Giraffe's long-lofty leggy legs and Wildebeest's spiny-spiky horns. Why can't he have legs and horns like them? And then Little Why spots Crocodile's snippy-snappy teeth... Look out!
With stylish and striking art from Jonny Lambert, Little Why is a visually stunning picture book with a heart-warming message at its core. Children will love Little Why's adorable, excitable character and discovering the different animals in the African savannah. A perfect story book for gently introducing themes of positive body image and the dangers of toddlers and little children running away from their parents.
Author: Jonny Lambert
Publisher: Little Tiger Press
Released Date: 2016
ISBN: 9781848691834
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