My Brother Jack

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Publisher: Australian Classics

Released Date: 2013

ISBN: 9780732297046

Book Overview

The Miles Franklin award-winning classic. 'One of the greatest books written this century' - The Illustrated London News

'the thing I am trying to get at is what made Jack different from me. Different all through our lives, I mean, and in a special sense, not just older or nobler or braver or less clever.' David and Jack Meredith grow up in a patriotic suburban Melbourne household during the First World War, and go on to lead lives that could not be more different. through the story of the two brothers, George Johnston created an enduring exploration of two Australian myths: that of the man who loses his soul as he gains worldly success, and that of the tough, honest Aussie battler, whose greatest ambition is to serve his country during the war.

Acknowledged as one of the true Australian classics, My Brother Jack is a deeply satisfying, complex and moving literary masterpiece. David Meredith's story continues in the sequels Clean Straw for Nothing and A Cartload of Clay.

'Enthralling ... entertaining ... vividly original - the Age


Author: George Johnston

Publisher: Australian Classics

Released Date: 2013

ISBN: 9780732297046

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