One Mile Radius

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Publisher: Advantage

Released Date: 2017

ISBN: 9781599325361

Book Overview

It takes a village to build community. This is true no matter where you live. In One-Mile Radius, Mark Deutschmann shares how he and others shaped the development of Nashville, Tennessee, making it one of the most vibrant and attractive cities in the Southeast. Learn how Mark and his team activated and stimulated the evolution of neighborhoods to create a strong urban core that has reverberated outward to benefit everyone. A community builder and founder of Village Real Estate Services, Mark knows the impact of concentrating revitalization work in core communities. He helped revitalize Nashville's Hillsboro Village, Germantown, and 12South neighborhoods, and he leveraged partnerships to generate a tangible difference for local nonprofits. Follow along with Mark's journey, and learn how you too can create a positive impact in your community, no matter where you are!

Author: Mark Deutschmann

Publisher: Advantage

Released Date: 2017

ISBN: 9781599325361

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