Pakistan Failure In National Integration


Giá khuyến mại 150.000₫

Publisher: University Press Limited

Released Date: 2018

ISBN: 9789845062275

Book Overview

This study was widely acclaimed as the first definitive analysis of the disintegration of Pakistan and the birth of Bangladesh. It presents a scholarly explanation of why the policies of the Pakistani ruling elites, especially the policies and institutional innovations of the Ayub regime (1958 - 1968), which often seemed so promising to observers abroad, were in fact the prelude to the break up of Pakistan. The study shows that by emphasizing state building and economic growth and de-emphasizing nation building and development of political institutions, the Ayub regime created a crisis in political management. The Pakistani ruling elites' persistent refusal to allow democratic political institutions to function resulted in the exclusion of Bengalis from the national decision making process. The denial of their just claims led Bengalis to fight for autonomy initially and ultimately for independence. The book, first published in 1972 by Columbia University Press, is being reprinted as part of UPL's Road to Bangladesh series. It will be of use to the new generation of readers to refresh memories about the failed policies and politics of the Pakistani ruling elites and the vision of democratic and secular politics for which the nationalist struggle was waged in Bangladesh.

Author: Rounaq Jahan

Publisher: University Press Limited

Released Date: 2018

ISBN: 9789845062275

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