The Predicament Of Democratic Man
By: Edmond Cahn
Category: Old Books
Giá khuyến mại 90.000₫
Publisher: Ladder
Released Date: 1971
"Cahn's use of actual laws and legal decisions makes thoroughly clear what otherwise might be rather abstruse philosophical judgments, and he shows wisdom and freshness of thinking on some important but often neglected parts of democratic man's burden of responsibility. This thoughtful, perhaps groundbreaking book should be in th every public and academic library."
Cahn's use of actual laws and legal decisions makes thoroughly clear what otherwise might be rather abstruse philosophical judgments, and he shows wisdom and freshness of thinking on some important but often neglected parts of democratic man's burden of responsibility. This thoughtful, perhaps groundbreaking book should be in th every public and academic library.?
Author: Edmond Cahn
Publisher: Ladder
Released Date: 1971
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