Running Pink Deborah De William's Inspiring Story
By: Megan Norris
Category: Biographies
Giá khuyến mại 180.000₫
Publisher: The Five Mile
Released Date: 2012
ISBN: 97807553997817430068945149
One woman, one dog and an 18,000 kilometre run for a cure.
A diagnosis of breast cancer and two broken feet were not enough to stop
Deborah De Williams running 18,026 kilometres around Australia for breast cancer research. The inspirational 2011 Tasmanian Australian of the Year shares her inspirational story of triumph and hope. She tells the astonishing stories of the many courageous women she met along the road who turned out in their pink hoards to applaud her as she continued to run for a cure for a disease that strikes 1.3 million women around the world every year. Running Pink is not just Deborah’s story of hope – this is the story of the thousands of women who gave a pink crusader the strength to achieve her dreams.
Author: Megan Norris
Publisher: The Five Mile
Released Date: 2012
ISBN: 978075539
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