The Storey Treehouse Collection 9 Books

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Publisher: MacMillan

Released Date: 2020

ISBN: 9781529051391

Book Overview

The Adventures of Little Kid in a Tree House series is a set of magical picture story books that can make children's brains open, and it will lead them on a big adventure that challenges the limits of imagination. The magical bookstore can have transparent swimming pools, bowling alleys, electric bumper cars, ice cream houses with 78 flavors, and the legendary complex maze. It can also bake marshmallows in an erupting crater and fight with elephant boxers ... It uses crazy imagination and interesting adventure plots to tell stories that interest zui, a child aged 6-12. While laughing, stimulate children's imagination and creativity. The whole book is read in English, with simple English sentence patterns, mainly common vocabulary, and exquisite cartoon illustrations, which is full of humor and more suitable for primary school children to read.

Author:  Andy Griffiths 

Publisher: MacMillan

Released Date: 2020

ISBN: 9781529051391

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