Spoken Egytian Arabic
Giá khuyến mại 90.000₫
Publisher: Jeffrey Norton
Released Date: 1985
ISBN: 0884325369
by Samia Mehrez of Cornell University. This course is primarily concerned with developing oral skills. The entire text is in transliteration; Arabic script is not used, so your attention is focused exclusively on mastering a new and intricate phonetic system. This program is designed to bridge the gap that exists between highly technical Arabic grammars, meant for the specialized student of Arabic, and simple phrasebooks of basic sentences that are unsatisfactory for the purpose of real communication. The course has been tested with a group of foreign engineers and business people in Cairo, and the recordings have been used successfully in the language laboratory with foreign university students.
Author: Mehrez
Publisher: Jeffrey Norton
Released Date: 1985
ISBN: 0884325369
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