Star Wars Character Encyclopedia
By: D K
Category: Children's Books
Giá khuyến mại 180.000₫
Publisher: D K
Released Date: 2011
ISBN: 9781405363785
Everything you ever wanted to know about your favourite classic Star Wars characters!
If your child loves Star Wars then let them meet the characters from their favourite movie franchise. From heroes like Luke Skywalker and C-3PO, to villains like Darth Vader. They'll learn the ins and outs, ups and downs and secret info on all their favourite characters.
Focused entirely on the characters from the classic Star Wars series, this chunky encyclopedia will take them from A to Z in the Star Wars empire. And don't forget, there's a galaxy full of other DK Star Wars books to collect.
Author: D K
Publisher: D K
Released Date: 2011
ISBN: 9781405363785
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