The Collected Dialogues
By: Plato
Category: Philosophy
Giá khuyến mại 680.000₫
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Released Date: 1989
ISBN: 9780691097183
All the writings of Plato generally considered to be authentic are here presented in the only complete one-volume Plato available in English. The editors set out to choose the contents of this collected edition from the work of the best British & American translators of the last 100 years, ranging from Jowett (1871) to scholars of the present day. The volume contains prefatory notes to each dialog, by Edith Hamilton; an introductory essay on Plato's philosophy & writings, by Huntington Cairns; & a comprehensive index which seeks, by means of cross references, to assist the reader with the philosophical vocabulary of the different translators.
Socrates' defense (Apology)/ translated by Hugh Tredennick
Crito/ translated by Hugh Tredennick
Phaedo/ translated by Hugh Tredennick
Charmides/ translated by Benjamin Jowett
Laches/ translated by Benjamin Jowett
Lysis/ translated by J. Wright
Euthyphro/ translated by Lane Cooper
Menexenus/ translated by Benjamin Jowett
Lesser Hippias/ translated by Benjamin Jowett
Ion/ translated by Lane Cooper
Gorgias/ translated by W.D. Woodhead
Protagoras/ translated by W.K.C. Guthrie
Meno/ translated by W.K.C. Guthrie
Euthydemus/ translated by W.H.D. Rouse
Cratylus/ translated by Benjamin Jowett
Phaedrus/ translated by R. Hackforth
Symposium/ translated by Michael Joyce
Republic/ translated by Paul Shorey
Theaetetus/ translated by F.M. Cornford
Parmenides/ translated by F.M. Cornford
Sophist/ translated by F.M. Cornford
Statesman/ translated by J.B. Skemp
Philebus/ translated by R. Hackforth
Timaeus/ translated by Benjamin Jowett
Critias/ translated by A.E. Taylor
Laws/ translated by A.E. Taylor
Epinomis/ translated by A.E. Taylor
Greater Hippias/ translated by Benjamin Jowett
Letters/ translated by L.A. Post
Author: Plato
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Released Date: 1989
ISBN: 9780691097183
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