The Dolphin Reader


Giá khuyến mại 180.000₫

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Released Date: 1987

ISBN: 0395424275

Book Overview

1. Some Ways of Knowing Adrienne Rich, Claiming an Education Samuel Scudder, Learning to See Carol Bly, Growing Up Expressive Jacob Bronowski, The Creative Mind William G. Perry, Jr., Examsmanship and the Liberal Arts Vincent G. Dethier, Extracting Information from a Fly Linda Hogan, Hearing Voices William L. Rodman, When Questions Are Answers 2. Some Reasons for Writing George Orwell, Why I Write David Bradley, The Faith Richard Rodriguez, Mr. Secrets Adrienne Rich, When We Dead Writing as Re-Vision George Orwell, Politics and the English Language Joan Didion, Why I Write 3. Community Scott Russell Sanders, The Common Life Robert Putnam, Bowling America's Declining Social Capital Katha Pollitt, For Whom the Ball Rolls H.D.F. Kitto, The Polis James Baldwin, Fifth Avenue, A Letter from Harlem Jane Jacobs, The Uses of Sidewalks Susan Glaspell, Trifles (drama) 4. Femininity and Masculinity Susan Brownmiller, Femininity Annie Dillard, Samson in Chains Tom Wolfe, The Right Stuff Katha Pollitt, The Smurfette Principle Jan Morris, To Everest Noel Perrin, The Androgynous Man JoAnn Wypijewski, A Boy's Life Gloria Steinem, Sex, Lies, and Advertising John Steinbeck, The Chrysanthemums (fiction) 5. What's So Bad About Being Poor? Charles Murray, What's So Bad About Being Poor? Gary Soto, Black Hair E.M. Forster, My Wood John Kenneth Galbraith, How to Get the Poor Off Our Conscience Clarence Darrow, Address to the Prisoners in Cook County Jail Sallie Tisdale, Good Soldiers Lars Eighner, On Dumpster Diving Alice Walker, Everyday Use (fiction) 6. On the Job Dorothy L. Sayers, Living to Work Studs Terkel, Two Prefaces from Working Carol Bly, Getting Tired Sue Hubbell, Beekeeper Paul Roberts, Virtual Grub Street Perri Klass, Learning the Language William Carlos Williams, Jean Biecke (fiction) 7. Faith and Practice E.M. Forster, What I Believe Patricia Nelson Limerick, Believing in the American West Huston Smith, The Straight Path of Islam Robert Kegan, The Mitzvah of Kaporis Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail Flannery O'Connor, Revelation (fiction) 8. Progress and Its Price Daniel Boorstin, Technology and Democracy Alice Bloom, On a Greek Holiday C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man Barbara Ehrenreich, Spudding Out Randall Jarrell, A Sad Heart at the Supermarket E.M. Forster, The Machine Stops (fiction) 9. Their Lives and Times Lytton Strachey, Florence Nightingale Joan Didion, Slouching Toward Bethlehem Roger Angell, In the Country Katherine Boo, After Welfare

Author: Douglas Hunt

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Released Date: 1987

ISBN: 0395424275

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