The Extraordinary Life of Greta Thunberg

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Publisher:  Puffin

Released Date: 2020

ISBN: 9780241443897

Book Overview

The story of a girl who is changing the world.

Greta Thunberg is an activist best known for calling attention to the devastating effects of climate change on our planet. A bold voice even against people that want to silence her, Greta has become a source of inspiration for millions of people who want to work towards tackling the climate crisis.

From taking part in school strikes and owning that her Asperger syndrome is her superpower, to crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a powerful stand against carbon emissions, this is the incredible story of a schoolgirl who is changing the world.

This book has been produced with its environmental message in mind, including the treatment of the cover, the black-and-white interiors, and the FSC-certified paper.

Collect them all!

Packed full of incredible stories, fantastic facts and dynamic illustrations, Extraordinary Lives shines a light on important modern and historical figures from all over the world.

Author: Devika Jina

Publisher:  Puffin

Released Date: 2020

ISBN: 9780241443897

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