The Last Time They Met
By: Anita Shreve
Category: Fiction General
Giá khuyến mại 90.000₫
Publisher: Abacus
Released Date: 2001
ISBN: 9780349113609
When Linda Fallon and Thomas Janes meet at a writers' festival in Toronto, it is the first time they have seen each other for twenty-six years. Theirs is a story bound by the irresistible pull of true passion -- a love which begins in Massachusetts in the early 1960s, is rekindled in Kenya in the mid 1970s and which is about to play out its astonishing final episode . . .
Written with reverse chronology, Anita Shreve's new novel is a haunting story of mesmerising beauty, with a strong narrative pull that inescapably draws the reader in, and leaves its most stunning revelation until the very last pages. Brilliantly ambitious and powerfully written, THE LAST TIME THEY MET is a tale not so much of life, but of a life not lived.
Author: Anita Shreve
Publisher: Abacus
Released Date: 2001
ISBN: 9780349113609
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