The Pilgrimage
By: Paulo Coelho
Category: Fiction General
Giá khuyến mại 250.000₫
Publisher: Harpercollins
Released Date: 2006
ISBN: 9788172235390
The Pilgrimage paved the way to Paulo Coehlo's international bestselling novel The Alchemist. In many ways, these two volumes are companions?to truly comprehend one, you must read the other.
Step inside this captivating account of Paulo Coehlo's pilgrimage along the road to Santiago. This fascinating parable explores the need to find one's own path. In the end, we discover that the extraordinary is always found in the ordinary and simple ways of everyday people. Part adventure story, part guide to self-discovery, this compelling tale delivers the perfect combination of enchantment and insight.
Author: Paulo Coelho
Publisher: Harpercollins
Released Date: 2006
ISBN: 9788172235390
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