The Politics of United States Foreign policy
By: Jerel A Rosati
Category: Non Fiction General
Giá khuyến mại 280.000₫
Publisher: Cengage Advantage
Released Date: 2014
ISBN: 9781133602156
A definitive work on U.S. foreign policymaking, THE POLITICS OF UNITED STATES FOREIGN POLICY: ADVANTAGE SERIES, 6E uses three levels of analysis to demonstrate how government, society, and the historical-global environment all impact policymaking. Focusing more on the process of creating policy than the history, this comprehensive text blends substance, history, and theory in a lively narrative that is engaging, accessible, and informative. Streamlined and up to date, the Sixth Edition presents theory in the context of the most current coverage available, including the 2012 elections, the new Congress, the global economic crisis, updates on the wars and crises abroad, the Obama administration's foreign policy, and more.
Author: Jerel A Rosati
Publisher: Cengage Advantage
Released Date: 2014
ISBN: 9781133602156
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