The Rules of the Game
By: Neil Strauss
Category: Non Fiction General
Giá khuyến mại 90.000₫
Publisher: Canongate Books Ltd
Released Date: 2008
ISBN: 9781847672520
This book is not a story. It is a how-to book. 'This Stylelife Challenge' is not meant to be read. It is meant to be performed. Whatever experience level you have, whatever strengths and weaknesses you may have, whether you're a virgin or a Don Juan, the stage has been set for you to perform at your highest capacity. "The Stylelife Challenge" is a simple, easy-to-follow guide to the basics of approaching and attracting women. The Challenge is simply what works best and fastest. Neil Strauss spent four years gathering this knowledge, living it and sharing it. He's tested the specific material in this book on over 13,000 men of varying ages, nationalities and backgrounds. Part practical application and part sequel, this is the further adventures of Style and his game techniques. The result: A month-long workout program for your social, attraction, dating and seduction skills.
Author: Neil Strauss
Publisher: Canongate Books Ltd
Released Date: 2008
ISBN: 9781847672520
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