What Was I Thinking
By: Paul Henry
Category: Biographies
Giá khuyến mại 120.000₫
Publisher: Random House
Released Date: 2011
ISBN: 9781869795665
This book will challenge all your prejudices. It will keep you entertained for hours. It's the very unusual story of Paul Henry - from his eventful childhood to his adventurous career in journalism to his recent outrageous comments on television which divided the country.
A natural-born story teller, Paul spins many great yarns in this book. It's fascinating insight into his complex character. He's surprising -- he doesn't adhere to any prescribed set of beliefs. He's bold -- he set himself up as an international news correspondent working out of his Masterton lounge. And he's versatile -- turning his hand to running a cafe, running for Parliament and running from terrorists.
Author: Paul Henry
Publisher: Random House
Released Date: 2011
ISBN: 9781869795665
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