The Wise Child
By: Sonia Choquette
Category: Self Help
Giá khuyến mại 90.000₫
Publisher: Three Rivers
Released Date: 1999
ISBN: 0690803999
"Connecting to our intuition unites us with both our soul and the soul of the Universe, Divine Spirit. It takes away our fearful sense of isolation and inadequacy. It replaces fear with a sense of spiritual direction and safety. The world becomes friendly, nonadversarial, and welcoming. Life becomes joyful, amusing, generous, and abundant. This is the divine plan. The intuitive life is one of confidence, inner peace, and creative expression. What better gift to ourselves and our children?"
How can I help my children to thrive and prosper? How can I ensure that they will not become unhappy and frustrated as I have been? These are the questions that inspired Sonia Choquette to write this profound and accessible book explaining--through spiritual principles, modern-day parables, and practical exercises--how even busy parents can help children connect to their own source of divine guidance.
Author: Sonia Choquette
Publisher: Three Rivers
Released Date: 1999
ISBN: 0690803999
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